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Free Pet Horoscopes

Do you ever wonder what your dog is thinking? These free pet horoscopes
will help you find out why your Maltese is misbehaving or your dog is down in the dumps.

The more you know about your pet, the better you can help them to become happy and healthy!

Check back often. These pet horoscopes are updated daily.

Have fun learning more about your Maltese dog's personality!

Don't know your dog's sign? Find out from our Puppy Horoscopes.

Dancing Maltese
Maltese food
Teacup Maltese dogs
Maltese puppy tiny
Royal Maltese
Sleepy Maltese
Pet Maltese
Maltese princess
Playful Maltese
Maltese with kids
Maltese clown
Curious Maltese

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Astrology And Your Pet by Elizabeth Joyce

Elizabeth Joyce
Elizabeth Joyce is a natural clairvoyant, spiritual healer and has studied Astrology for fifteen years. She writes free pet horoscopes and teaches "A Course In Miracles" and the work of Louise Hay. She has a monthly column, "The Metaphysical Corner" and "Monthly Astrology" in the Pike County Courier, Pa. Many of her Alternative to Medicine articles have been published across the country, and she often is a radio or TV guest for talk shows, including "Alive and Wellness" on America's Talking. She facilitates a women's group and her monthly intensives provide a constant source of relief and guidance.

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Want to know more about your Maltese dog's astrological sign?
Find out with our Puppy Horoscopes.

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