Miss Maggie

by Tammy lloyd
(Pikeville,Ky USA)

Maggie and her new doo!

Maggie and her new doo!

I have a 9 month old Maltese, Maggie, and we love her to death. She is so loving, loyal, sweet, intelligent and much more. She had her first haircut today. I didn't want to cut it but it was getting too hard to keep the matts out. But she is still a cutie!

She loves to play with our white housecat Lilly. She loves outside and going Bye -Bye. Her favorite snack is cheese! She plays with stuffed animals rather than balls. She gets so excited when company comes that she sometimes has a little pee-pee accident. But we figured out how to overcome that most of the time.

Also she likes to take baths and loves the hairdryer too! She loves her "mommy" the most I think, since she is always by my side.

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