Noonie Von Noon Toons

by Sandy Choi
(New York, NY)

Maltese pup Noonie

Maltese pup Noonie

My name is Noonie and I am 1.5 years old. My mama and dada live in NYC. I love living here in the city. I get to see so friends at the park.

The way I came home to mama and dada was when my first mama needed a babysitter for me when I was 7 weeks old. Well, my current mama fell in love instantly and I did with her and we have been together ever since.

I love to play ball even though I know Maltese don't generally like to. I just love having people over the house and my favorite thing to do is give lots of kisses.

I love showing how much I love the people in my life. My mama loves your website...and now I know why.

Love always,


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