Maltese Cairn Terrier - Pup

by Elizabeth Sikora
(CLeveland Ms.)

Pup loves to play is a generally happy dog. My Maltese Cairn Terrier mix can also be extremely lazy and loves sleep on his back. He has a natural curiosity and love for all animals and people, the little ones like mice and birds. It was easy to train him and is an expert at fetch. He's been a wonderful companion and vigilant watch dog. ;)

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Aug 31, 2012
by: Little Miss Muffit

My Maltese/Yorkie (Morkie) looks so much like Pup. And acts the same way. So loveable and fun. What would we do without these fun pets?

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Maltese Cairn Terrier - Baby

by Debra
(Myrtle Beach SC)

Baby in the bed

Baby in the bed

Baby is a sweet, loving, and loyal Maltese Cairn Terrier mix dog. She is always eager to be close to you and please you. Very intelligent, I truly believe that listens to every word that we say; because once I was walking her and called my husband and asked him to get her bath ready for her. When we got back home, I had the hardest time getting her to come up on the porch. When she finally came up and I opened the door, she shot into the house and went under the bed and would not come out! She is not that fond of baths, though she is well behaved while receiving them, it is not one of her favorite things.

Favorite things include: fetching any toy and bringing it back, tug of war, and me saying you want to play and run to bed and we wrestle and play together. She can be a finicky eater, but loves chicken. As a puppy she wasn't much for sitting in your lap but she is now 2 and has adapted to sitting on your lap and being rubbed. Tell her, let me rub your belly and she rolls over and anxiously awaits the rubbing to start.

Very friendly and outgoing, on her daily walks she knows where she has encountered friendly humans and dogs and will stop and greet them daily or look to see if they are around to be greeted. Loves to play with other dogs, wrestling and rolling around. She is a joy, I wouldn't take a million dollars for her.

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Maltese Cairn Terrier - Nova Darling

by Stephanie Myers
(Lake Charles, LA)

Where did Nova go? Oh there she is!

Where did Nova go? Oh there she is!

This is Nova, the new addition to our household. She is so fun, energetic, and playful. I can definitely see both traits of the Maltese and the Cairn terrier in her. She loves to dig, even if it's in her toy box, and she definitely thinks she bigger than the whopping six pounds that she is. She loves cuddling and if a lap isn't present, then she finds the smallest area she can and curls up. We are training her now and she is learning fast! We love this designer breed and, come on, how can you resist those ears!

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Aug 03, 2013
Can't resist!
by: Little Miss Muffit

Your little Maltese Cairn terrier looks exactly like my Yorkie/Maltese, Muffit, exactly. Muffit is about 7 lbs. and is almost 4 years old. One of her ears couldn't decide if it wanted to be up or down. The lady I take her to for haircuts, trims the fur on the tips of her ears like some Yorkies, and they stand up good that way. If they don't trim them, the one ear will sometimes flop. But it's cute.

Aug 02, 2013
For More Pictures!
by: Stephanie Myers

If you want to look at some more cute pictures of my puppy, you can look at her pinterest board


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Maltese Cairn Terrier Cross - Cappuccino

by Rebecca
(Las Vegas,NV)

I Got Cappy the Maltese Cairn Terrier cross when he was 3 weeks old. A lady said she couldn't take care of him so I took him. I've know had him over 3 years and he is the sweetest dog ever. He's my baby and I wouldn't trade him for anything. He's like my little shadow and he's very friendly. Though he seems to be more comfortable interacting with cats then other dogs.

He also has a loud deep voice. He sounds a lot bigger then he is. He loves to play and will chase his ball around for hours if you'll let him. I use to have a problem with him getting out of the yard. He would go under the fence, then when I blocked that he figured out he could jump over it. He has the highest jump of any dog I've ever had. I started working with him and now he's pretty good at staying by me. I can walk down the street and he stats by my side.

I have to little sisters and a 2 year old niece and he just loves them. So, he's really good with small kids. He got the name cappuccino because the first day I brought him home I was trying to think of what to call him. I sat him down for just a minute on the counter and he walked over and tried to drink my moms coffee, so I called him Cappuccino. "Cappy" for short.

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