Maltese Miniature Dachshund Cross - Dora

by Candy

Dora is a 7 month old Maltese Miniature Dachshund cross (04-15-08) and is about 7-8 lbs. Her mom was a Maltese and her dad was a miniature Dachshund. Since she has much of the Maltese terrier look in her face and with her coloring many have asked if she is a Yorkie.

She is willful and can be quite demanding (but of course, she's the queen of everything in my world) and wants what she wants when she wants it. Like when she wants to be petted; if I do not comply she will bark and even nip at me. She loves to have her belly rubbed and she loves to be held and rocked.

She seems to like her bath as she likes being handled, loves the warmth of the hair dryer and enjoys being brushed.

Dora is full of energy and loves the out-of-doors. She runs laps around the house and then plops on the sofa next to me for a rest.

She has been chewing everything in sight but as she is getting older, that is improving. She tends to be a bit "nippy" in her play and in her communication. For that reason I would not recommend this breed for young children.

Dora is a wonderful companion and as she matures I am seeing more of her personality and she and I are a perfect match!

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Jan 31, 2019
Dora looks just like Winnie!! NEW
by: Sara

Hi Candy!!

Your dog Dora looks JUST like my rescue mauxie Winnie!! Everything is the same except coloring (Winnie is blonde). We rescued her from a shelter in West LA. I Haven't seen another dog like this before your picture! What year was Dora born??


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Maltese Miniature Dachshund Cross - Lulu

by Joy Villanueva
(Wpg, MB Canada)

LULU - Maltese Miniature Dachshund Cross

LULU - Maltese Miniature Dachshund Cross

I first fell in love with a friend's Maltese and another friend of mine had a Miniature Dachshund whom I absolutely adored. I went to the breeders where my friend got her Maltese. I really wanted a girl but they were asking way too much. After all, at the time I was a student nurse. Anyway, I was about to leave and the breeder said "I have 4 other puppies--1 girl & 3 boys... they are a Maltese mix... actually made by accident. The Maltese (dad) got to my daughter's miniature weiner dog (mom)!" And the rest is history! Lulu was just 5 weeks old when I met her and fit into the palm of my hand. I came back for her when she turned 7 weeks (after first shots and deworming).

Our Maltese Miniature Dachshund cross Lulu is now 3 1/2 years old exactly today (Born Feb 3/06)! She weighs just under 5lbs. She is the first dog I have ever owned. She is very smart and was easy to train on those blue pads and now goes outside. She learned basic commands very quickly and loves to play fetch. She likes tummy rubs, cuddles and gives lots of kisses. She loves camping, swimming,car rides and of course riding in bags! She is a great traveler and has traveled on the plane with me to different parts of Canada (including Vancouver and Calgary) and has traveled across the border by car to North Dakota and Minneapolis,USA!! She is well socialized with children (no problems with my two boys) and other animals. Although she would rather play with cats because they're her size. She is sometimes shy and timid at first and can get anxious if I leave her for too long. She never chewed on furniture as a puppy and she is not a digger. She barks a lot if the doorbell rings or if someone knocks at the door. She is the most perfect dog for me and my family!! We love her to pieces and everyone who meets her falls in love with her too!!

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Aug 05, 2010
request advice
by: Anonymous

oh my gosh!! My daughters mini dachshund was found with my neighbors maltese next door. I don't know what to do! I have no experience with pregnant dogs at all! I don't know what to watch for!

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Foxy Cleopatra Lynn

by Marion Lynn
(Phila., PA)

Foxy is one of the best dogs ever, and boy is she spoiled. My Mauxie 6 years old and I got her at 8 weeks (I didn't even plan on getting a dog that day. THANKS MALCOLM!) She loves to play with all of her toys, and gets upset when I pick them up to put them away (she likes to leave them all over) And she's so smart when I tell her to bring me the "baby or dogie" she knows which toy I'm speaking of and brings it to me. When I get home she barks until I say hello to her and pick her up for "hugs and kisses", she loves to play fetch, but only with a ball, she wont chase sticks like the dogs on t.v., if I throw a stick, she looks at me like I'm nuts, so the ball it is.

She loves riding in the car (thank goodness for restraints because she LOVES to hang out the window) I believe my Maltese Dachshund mix thinks her middle name is Cutie, because when we walk and someone calls her Cutie, she rolls over on her back to request a belly rub. She eats EVERYTHING (partially my fault)veggies, chicken, turkey, ice cream, Dr Pepper (I know that's bad...I'm working on it) She sleeps with me and is truly a bed and cover hog, and she snores LOUD, sometimes so loud she wakes herself up then looks at me as if I ruined her nap.

She's also a fashionista, she has jackets in all colors for the cold weather, and cute little outfits when she goes to parties, she hates shoes so I gave that up a long time ago and the bows the groomer puts in her hair MIGHT last until we get home, longest record to date is 3 hours. But anyway I love my foxy Cleo and she love me:)

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Female Mauxie - Jenny

by Katie
(Nitro, W.V. USA)

when i first got her

when i first got her

Jenny is a loving female Mauxie, but doesn't like alot of kids. She wakes up & wraps her self around my neck. My Maltese Dachshund mix licks alot. She's playful and a lap dog also. Has to be center of attention or she will make sure she is. Very smart dog.... Jenny well she is soo cute her body is of the hot dog side and her face paws tail is all Maltese. I always called her a "HOTEASE" to mix the names. she wakes up in a loving moode wrappping around my neck, then turns back and gives me the first of many for the day kisses. I take that's just a trait in them to lick all the time.. I can play real rough with my Mauxie. but when I say "ur bad" and spank her her with 2 finger tap she knows and then trys to get my forgivness. She is a smart dog and gets along with other dogs but not all children.

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Aug 26, 2013
coastal living
by: Katie

Jenny loves the beach at low tide.gulf coast
.but we miss the snow

Aug 26, 2013
by: Katie

How is ur baby? How did the cataract surgery go?
How all is well with you n ur babies.did you ever break the kicking ? Not me.

Oct 19, 2012
the times
by: Katie

Now with the times I am making Jenny's treats. I went ahead and bought s dehydrator, and some pork, but then found out they can't eat pork. So I was told just chicken, and she love them .say I spend $10.00 a week. ( but it is more) One batch of chiken at $7.00 is lasting me a month. Now I have tried sweet potatoes she don't care for them. But if we keep getting attacks on our dogs we will have to make their food.

when it says distrubed means only taken out of that state.. find out where it is made in?????

Aug 01, 2012
by: Anonymous

Aug 01, 2012
by: Mackenzie

I wonder if they would remember each other? LOL What is your email address and I will send you some photos!

Jul 31, 2012
jennys sister
by: Anonymous

jenny n I moved to the gulf coast, and she is so cute running on the beach and swimming, neighbors cut up a bathing suit for her. beside the bikini I got her. We just went back but next time I will leave a message on here, maybe we can let them see each other once again?? I cant find your pics.. I would like to see her..

Jul 30, 2012
They are sisters!
by: Mackenzie

That is so awesome! They are sisters!

May 27, 2012
sister dogs
by: Anonymous

I got Jenny Nov. 14th she was 8 weeks old. her birth papers said she was born on Oct. 26th. let me know if they are that would be so cool.

Nov 18, 2011
by: Mackenzie

We have a Maltese Dachshund mix that we bought at Missy's Puppies in Nitro in December 2009!

Nov 04, 2011
My Mauxie looks like yours!
by: Joan

I adopted my Belle in June of this year. She is 2 years old and shortly before i got her she had cataract surgery. She was found in the middle of a major road here in South Florida. When I got her, her face was shaved for the surgery. No question about the Doxie! She, too is a licker (I'm trying to break her of that)and can be REALLY stubborn. What gets me is that she is pure white. Just like the Maltese. I also have a Bichon named Phoenix who is nowhere near as white as Belle. Her personality isn't anything like the Bichon. And her bark! Totally Doxie.
Gotta Lovem!

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Dachshund Maltese - Rosaline (Rosie)

by Nicole T
(Beach Park, IL, USA)

Rosie is just our insane little girl. She LOVES running and playing with her brother and sisters. Our Dachshund Maltese has boundless energy and she is so spastic. She does whine and bark whenever she wants anything. She is the sweetest little dog ever and has a very stubborn personality. She even trained one of my exes to feed her popcorn on command. You need to be at your sharpest with these dogs because they are very smart. Rosie is great with kids of all ages as far as her temperament, but she gets so excited she will push down the littler kids by accident. She gets along well with other dogs. When her hair is cut short it is soft and silky, but when it grows out it becomes curly and course. Our Dachshund Maltese mix is a girl of many hair styles. Without any help, her hair will easily hold a faux hawk and comb-over.

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