Oliver G. the Morkie

by Rachelle G.
(Las Vegas)

Oliver showing you his dancing skills

Oliver showing you his dancing skills

Oliver aka Ollie is a Maltese Yorkie mix and has been with us since April. He is almost 8 months old and is such a character! He is very sweet like our full breed Maltese but is curious like the Yorkie. He is always on his hind legs and doing funny things.

He is only 5 pounds but thinks he is 500! Ollie is very smart so we have to keep him busy. He likes to torture his older brother Gabe (Maltese) but I think that is the puppy in him. At the end of the day he loves to cuddle and has been such a wonderful addition to our family!

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Dec 06, 2007
by: carol s

Your Ollie is so cute.

My little
Lucky would love to play with him.

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Pampered Morkie - Jackie

by Corina
(San Diego, CA)

She got pampered for Valentines too

She got pampered for Valentines too

I got my Morkie about a year and 7 months ago. Her original owner passed away. The vet has told us Jackie is about four years old. When we first got her Jackie she only weighed 2 pounds and was very quiet. Now, Jackie weighs 5 pounds and is FULL OF ENERGY!!! She is a princess and is highly active for such a small dog. She does require a lot of attention, but I am not sure if that has to do with us spoiling her.

Every where we go people always stop us and ask us several questions about her. People are always amazed at how high she jumps. At the dog park she runs around like a loose rabbit. She sprints from place to place and jumps in between. Jackie is full of life and energy. Jackie enjoys rough playing with my finance. She LOVES to chew on your fingers and for a small dog she has a strong grip.

Jackie is special because she has endured a lot, her original owner passed away and when we got her you can tell how distressed she was. When I go back home and visit my mother, who lives next door to where Jackie use to live, she gets so excited and can not wait to get off the car. The excitement of seeing her old house brings us to tears because I find it so strange how she remembers. Dogs can grieve too and Jackie has showed us that.

Any time she hears the words "outside" or "treat" she goes crazy. She jumps around and sprints all over the house because she enjoys her daily walks. She enjoys people watching more than anything. I think it's because she enjoys the attention people give her. She is attracted to larger dogs than smaller ones. She enjoys having her hair cut short and we have notice it brings out more energy in her. I love Jackie dearly and could honestly not imagine life without her!

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Aug 12, 2009
by: Anonymous

awww what a cutieee.. she looks just like my morkie! =)

Aug 25, 2008
She is lucky
by: Brenda

Jackie is very lucky to have you in her life. She looks like a sweetheart.
I have an 8 month old Morkie her name is Lily, she is the princess of our house.

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Oliver- Morkie

by Morkie Puppy - Cathy

We will be bringing home our Morkie puppy in 9 days! Can hardly wait. I go and visit him weekly and he already seems to know me.

I am uncertain on how I want to train him Puppy pads vs outdoors. We live in New England and is so cold out. Any advice would be most appreciated:
pros vs cons. Thanks.

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Feb 02, 2010
Potty pads
by: Cricket's mom

What a cutie pie Oliver is! Our papitese, Cricket, uses a product called Pooch Pads. You should be able to get them at Petsmart or Petco. They are rewashable potty pads. We keep them on a washable rug by the door and Cricket uses them when she can't get outside on time, or the weather is bad. We put them on a rug in case she misses a little! It helps to have two - or more- so you can always have a clean one.

Enjoy your puppy! Like babies, they grow up quickly!

Feb 01, 2010
by: Kelly in PA

Cute puppy! Good luck with him!
We have a 7 month old malchi (maltese / long haired chihuahua mix) who iss so great! We did the puppy pads at first, then trained him to our doggie door a well as he got older. My advice to you would be to do the same. Sometimes it is more convenient for them to go on a pee pad (like in rain or a big snow storm when the snow is higher than they are!) Otherwise, you'll probably appreciate him going outside, since the pee pads can get quite expensive and a pain to change if he is using them all the time. The can and definitely will do both. (Our little guy "Chip" has an electric doggie door that is activated by a little magnet that he wears on his collar. He can go in and out whenever he wants, but will always choose to use his pee pad if it's raining or snowing out!) That's just my 2 cents...
Good luck with your new little cutie!

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Parker - Morkie

by Ami Walker
(Coral Springs, FLA, USA)

Parker the Maltese mix Yorkie in  his rugby shirt!

Parker the Maltese mix Yorkie in his rugby shirt!

Parker is a TRIP! He weighs 8lbs, but he swears it's more like 50. On our first trip to our local bark park, we headed to the "small dogs area" but never quite made it! Parker wanted to play rough with the other dogs. He made friends with a beautiful dog which was mixed with a wolf, and his two new best friends were Dalmatian brothers. After a few seconds of sniffing each other out, they spent the next hour running around, play fighting, jumping into the doggy pools & playing fetch with some children that were also in the park.

Parker is such a loving dog. All he ever wants to do is play and give kisses. When I first got him he growled spontaneously, and occasionally barked at my husband. But now he knows everyone, he's a happy boy! He's even patient with my neighbors' children, they're young & tend to treat him like a doll. He just takes it in his stride, & loves them just the same. He's also very smart.

He loves to wear shirts, & play dress up. His favorite is a soccer hoodie I purchased from our local puppy spa. At first I was expecting him to hate it, but he gets sad if you take it off him. He sulks in the corner until I put it back on!

Housebreaking was a little difficult, it took a while, but in the end we got there.

All in all, I am so happy I got a Morkie. They are lovely dogs. I wouldn't trade my baby for the world!!

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Nov 26, 2012
Best Dog I Ever Owned! NEW
by: Bill B

Buddy is a 4 year old Morkie. I've had him for about 2 years. A neighbor was moving and didn't want to take him 1100 miles to their new home. When I saw what kind of pet Buddy was, I got involved with Pet Therapy. Buddy was not trained for this. He only had to pass a test. He passed the test with flying colors. We visit a local hospital once a week and some folks who are under hospice care at an assisted living center. The highlight of my day, is when someone that I have been wit for less than 5 minutes, tells me I made their day. Fact is, they make my day. Buddy is a true blessing and a gift that keeps on giving.

Nov 26, 2012
Best Dog I Ever Owned! NEW
by: Bill B

Buddy is a 4 year old Morkie. I've had him for about 2 years. A neighbor was moving and didn't want to take him 1100 miles to their new home. When I saw what kind of pet Buddy was, I got involved with Pet Therapy. Buddy was not trained for this. He only had to pass a test. He passed the test with flying colors. We visit a local hospital once a week and some folks who are under hospice care at an assisted living center. The highlight of my day, is when someone that I have been wit for less than 5 minutes, tells me I made their day. Fact is, they make my day. Buddy is a true blessing and a gift that keeps on giving.

Jul 14, 2010
I love Morkies! Parker's such a cutie!
by: Anonymous

I REALLY want a Morkie! This is a great article a d a confirmation that these dogs do really have a lot of personality. It's also great to know that they (or at lease one) are good with children because I have a little brother in kindergarden. Parker sounds like a really cute dog!
PS: Parker is my other brothers name. :)

Dec 19, 2009
Little BIG Dogs
by: DayGloSurfer

Having grown up with larger breed dogs I wasn't sure what I'd think of my new roommates' Morkie puppy when I moved in. I love dogs, but also was somewhat unsure given that smaller dogs have the reputation of being hyper and yappy.

Well, I definitely adore our Morkie! It's true that the Morkie doesn't act like the stereotypical little dog. Our puppy is 5 months and weighs almost 5.5 pounds but acts like a 50 pound dog. She isnt yappy at all, she loves playing ball and wrestling[my hand, lol].

It has taken her a while to be housebroken, but she was taken away from her mother at 6 weeks and was very sick with a worm infection at the time. She is an intelligent dog and learns quickly so we have just worked on consistency.

For anyone looking for a fun, intelligent and adorable small dog the Morkie is the "biggest" little dog out there!

Nov 30, 2009
Diffucult Gracie

We have a 3 month old female Morkie that is 3 months old. We have had her alittle over 2 weeks and are having a hard time housebreaking her. Her 2 brothers that live in the same town don't seem to be having the same trouble. She pees in the house quite frequently even though we take her out every 30 to 40 minutes. Please help!! We had heard they can be difficult to train.

Feb 11, 2009
House breaking
by: Anonymous

Be CONSISTANT. Always use a firm voice. I never smacked Parker, but I tapped him firmly on his butt & said "NO!" if he made a mistake. I would never put his nose IN his mess, but I would put him close to it so he knew what I was saying no to. Parker now knows that going in the house is wrong, I taught him ask for his leash when he wants to go out, & he sits by the back door also when he has to pee. It's difficult & it took me almost a year to get Parker perfectly house trained, but it's worth it in the end. Don't give up, & DON'T GIVE IN!

Feb 11, 2009
by: Meredyth

Parker sounds awesome! I have an almost 9 month old Morkie named Jager, who also thinks he is a BIG dog! We call him Cujo the pitbull, although he isn't mean at all.ha!

Jan 28, 2008
Help with Housebreaking
by: Anonymous

Please give us any tips you can on how you to housebreak the morkie... we are having lots of trouble!!

Jan 19, 2008
Honest about house breaking
by: Anonymous


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Problem Morkie - Lola

by Angela

I have a Morkie 8 mths old she is now. I love her to bits but I'm having a few problems i'm hoping someone may be able to help me with. Toileting = Good somedays as if she's 6 wks old again. Uncontrollable barking at people while on walks or in the car. A slight aggression towards xhildren and men in particular. She also sometimes randomly attacks quite viciously my mums dog.

Please can someone offer any help as I'm scared I may have to give her up ;-(

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May 09, 2011
by: Little Miss Muffit

I have a year and 1/2 old Morkie that we got at 7 1/2 weeks old. She sounds a lot like Lola. Terrier breeds are very "bossy." You will need to become a pack leader or she will never stop her bad behavior. Muffit still has a few potty issues. We paper trained her from the beginning and she does very well....when she wants to!! She goes outside well, too. Every now and then she goes beside the paper (potty pads) instead of on it. Being agressive toward other people, children or dogs means she thinks she is the boss. You need to stop her everytime she does it. Since these dogs are so tiny, it's not hard to control them. Grab her by the neck like a mother dog does and tell here "no!" Socialize her as much as you can. We took Muffit everywhere so that she would not be like that, but it still takes effort now to calm her down because she loves the attention she gets. She does not bite anyone because the minute she put her teeth on me as a puppy, I would tell her "no" and stop playing with her. They should never be allowed to put their teeth on you even when playing. These dogs are adorable and very intelligent. They learn quickly, but can be stubborn. Don't give up. Don't punish her physically. And be patient. I reward Muffit everytime I find a surprise on her puppy pad and just give her "the look" when she misses and clean it up without saying anything. She knows. So be the pack leader and the boss. Another way to make her more submissive is to roll her on her side and hold her there quietly till she relaxes and gives in to you being the boss. Be consistent. You are going to love this dog!

May 09, 2011
Hope this helps
by: Jean

Our Papitese is 1 1/2 years old and has has some of these issues too. She finally seems to understand toileting. We really became more diligent watching where she goes and praised her a lot when she went where we wanted. It seemed to "click" and now she's okay with that.

As far as agression, you might want to try socializing her more with other puppies near her size and age. Our local pet store offers this for a small fee. It really helped with our little one's agression. We also practice zero tolerance when she bites. She is immediately put in her crate facing the wall for 5 or 10 minutes. That really has worked well for us. My daughter also tells her "kisses only" when she bites and she seems to understand.

We are still working on the barking but we don't allow her to continue barking without scolding her. It is getting better.

Hope this helps.

Missouri, USA

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Perfect Morkie - Angie

by Betty W
(Strathmore, AB, Canada)

My Morkie is just the perfect little dog. She is 5 months old and shes is just full of energy. When I get ready for school she always smacks me with her paw. My personal little alarm clock =). I've had many dogs in my life and I think she tops the list. She is small, very smart, easy to train, full of energy, and always fun!

If you're thinking of adopting a Maltese Yorkshire Terrier mix then get one! They are the funnest dogs ever! You won't regret it! =)

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Protective Morkie - P.D.

My Morkie is protective of his favorite human, his "mommy", and worries when he can't be with her. He is affectionate and sweet, but sometimes gets nervous and growls when he is tired and feels threatened. He tends to shake when he feels anxious, and loves chasing anything alive. He likes to hide when he eats, because he thinks our other dog will steal his food. My Maltese Yorkie mix likes to cuddle with his "mommy", but usually only her.

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Perfect Morkie - Bundaberg

by HLB

He is big for a Morkie (~12 lbs) but it works out because he thinks that he is the same size as most of our friends dogs which are much larger than him.

This combo of dogs are great because we find that when awake he is very energetic likes to play and go for long walks and at the end of the day winds down into a lap dog that likes to cuddle.

I would recommend this type of dog to anyone looking for a "just right" temperament!

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Nov 19, 2014
my big guy NEW
by: Marilyn

My Gus is 12 pounds too and I love every ounce of him. His coloring is very similar to Bundaberg :)

May 07, 2009
Cute morkie
by: Elaine

My Benji could be Byndaberg's twin. They look just alike ( Super cute...) =)

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Loving Morkie - Jinxie Pickles

by Debbie Cardenas
(Sherman Oaks, CA)

Jinxie Pickles

Jinxie Pickles

May I introduce... Jinxie Pickles! My Morkie dog is 6 yrs old and is resilient!! He is extremely playful and everyone who meets him falls instantly in love and thinks he is still a puppy. He thinks he is a big dog most of the time and instigates barking with his sister Sprinkles. My Yorkie Maltese mix is full of love and likes to cuddle up but is very independent as well. Jinxie does have trouble aiming on his pee pads but with that face... it is easily forgiven!

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Smart Morkie - Patton

by Heidi
(Minneapolis, MN)

I got my Morkie Patton from my boyfriend's mom who didn't have time to care for him anymore since her sons were all in college and she traveled a lot. He is around 3 years old and 15 pounds. They expected him to be closer to 5 pounds but he just kept growing! I love it because he can still be on my lap (but hates it) but isn't small enough to be fragile. At home he's a very calm dog who is willing to accept attention but doesn't constantly bug you about it. I've heard Morkies bark a lot but he doesn't other than when he hears door bells, knocks, or the animal channel. This dog loves exercise and will walk, and walk, and walk if you let him. If he doesn't get enough exercise, he can get a bit restless and excitable. He is always happy and loves to meet people, usually giving them a smooch on the face. He loves saying hi to children the most. This Morkie is extremely smart (and sneaky) and understands a lot. Most times I talk to him as a regular person and he understands. One example is telling him his bone is on the bed or in the living room when he's sniffing around. He'll look at me then run off and come back with it. They are very smart dogs so don't underestimate them. He is also fairly easy to train (mine rings a bell when he wants to go outside). But there are issues with going potty in the house. He knows he's not supposed to but every once in a while he'll do it. Sometimes it's just random, at other times it's because of the weather(he's afraid of storms so he'll hide and won't come out for the day). Otherwise he's an amazing and adorable dog that I am so happy to have in my life. And he knows it!

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Nov 19, 2014
Patton NEW
by: Marilyn

My Morkie Gus, is 6 months old and weighs about 12 pounds and looks a lot like Patton! I love every ounce of my bundle of energy! Thanks for posting Patton's picture, Gus now has a buddy like him :)

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