(Glendora, CA)
Teddy Bear is one of the cutest Maltese Yorkie mix puppies. He's almost 4 months now and loves giving kisses, so playful and such a good friend to our Yorkie. They have bonded and play together so well; when its night night time, they cuddle up in their dog bed and are completely content and sleep the whole night. In the morning they are rested and full of energy and so excited to see you. Teddy is not interested yet to play with his toys unless the Yorkie plays when them first and shows him how much fun they are, also when it comes to playing outside, Teddy chases the Yorkie all over the back yard, it is the cutest thing to watch, he makes you laugh so hard to hear him let out his little barks while running as fast as he can to catch the Yorkie. We are so happy with our Morkie puppy, also he can be very calm and cuddly when he is taken out into public and loves being carried around in his travel bag. I absolutely love the personality and he has become the best friend a Yorkie dog could have.
by Penny
Sooner is 9 weeks old, and weighs 2.1 lbs. He is one of the cutest Yorkie mix puppies ever! His Mommy was a 6 lb Maltese and his Daddy was a 5 lb Yorkie. He is very playful, and we LOVE him. We have a full blood Maltese male also, named Boomer. He is 19 months old, and we rescued him from a puppy mill. :-(
We think that our Boomer and Sooner (named for OU; Oklahoma University,) are the sweetest Dog and Puppy in the whole world.
Comments for Yorkie Mix Puppies - Sooner
(Conshohocken PA)
Our Morkie puppy Riley is a very energetic little girl. She has been almost impossible to housebreak but we are working hard at it. She goes to puppy training classes and is very smart.
At the dog park Riley is "Little Miss Popular" both with people and other dogs. Everyone wants to pet her and she gets lots of compliments on how cute and tiny she is. But for as small as she is (2.5 pounds) she is very resilient and doesn't act at all like her size. She runs and plays with dogs bigger then she is and can really 'hold her own.'
She was totally black when I got her but is changing. Her head is becoming more brown, she has a white belly, tan and black paws with a little white, and a white undercoat under her black body. I've been keeping her hair short since its summer time and she is getting more used to baths.
Riley is very loyal. She is always at my feet and even when I take her outside to run around she never goes too far away from me. She isn't a very good watch dog. She's rather jump on and kiss everyone who walks through the door. She is especially good with kids. Overall she is a joy and I'd recommend this breed to anyone.
Comments for Morkie Puppy - Riley
by Emily
(Highlands Ranch, Colorado)
Jade as a baby
Little baby Morkie Jade was the sweetest little thing when we got her at a pet shop. We were just looking through the store when we saw the cute little fuzz ball and we knew we had to have her. She is absolutely the best dog we could have ever asked for. She was potty trained within a week at most. Aside from being the sweetest, most loving and personable dog she is incredibly well behaved. She just wants to be around humans all day, on their lap or anywhere around them.
The only problem we could possibly have with our Morkie is that she does get a bit barky when there is another dog in view. She also isn't the best with 'come when called' which is frustrating at times. Other than that though, she is literally the perfect little dog! She's so friendly and personable that it's truly amazing. Our Yorkie Maltese mix seems to know human language as well. when we say 'car ride' or 'walk?' She will literally go grab her leash. She's such a smart little dog that I couldn't have asked for better!:)
by Laura
(New York, NY)
Lexi is an almost 4 month old Morkie puppy dog, and has a real zest for life. She is a total ham and LOVES attention from strangers and other dogs. I feel very lucky to have her. From the day I brought her home she has used her pee pads with few accidents and has been a very well behaved puppy (knock on wood). When we go for walks she runs like a little bunny rabbit and loves to explore. She follows me around the house but also likes her alone time and seems to do very well when I have to leave her alone. I absolutely love my Morkie puppy!
Comments for Morkie Puppy Dog - Lexi
by Pauline Osborn
(Dunedin NZ)
I having only had my Morkie puppy dog for 4 weeks she gets on well with the rest of the family there is a German Shepherd and they get on very well and a Blue Cattle dog who is old and tolerates Mya. My Morkie puppy also gets on well with the 2 rabbits and 2 cats. She has settled in very well. Only problem is house training. But we will get there.
My Yorkie mix puppy Maxx has been with us for about 6 weeks!! He is so adorable my husband and I are empty nester's and are so excited to have him!!
He is excellent with our grandchildren, is 5 months old and 5 lb. We are so glad that he is part of our family!!
Comments for Yorkie Mix Puppies - Maxx
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